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Call us to talk to
a Registered Nurse

(915) 778-0028

Have questions? We know that the circumstances surrounding hospice can be overwhelming, so we want to make it as easy as possible to find all of the answers you’re looking for. 


  • What is hospice?

Hospice care exists to help ease the physical, emotional, and spiritual pain of any person in our community facing the final months of a serious illness. We do this by providing kindhearted care, expert education, and compassionate bereavement support. 

  • What types of illnesses qualify for hospice? 

We provide hospice care for any person facing any illness with a life expectancy of six months or less. These illnesses include heart or lung disease, Alzheimer’s, cancer, and many others. 

If you think you or a family member may benefit from hospice care, don’t wait to give us a call or sign up for a consultation

  • Where does hospice care take place? 

We provide care in the hospital, a nursing home, or assisted living facility, or in the comfort of your home. If you have a situation that’s different from the above, please give us a call. We will do whatever we can to work with your circumstances so that you or your loved one can get the care you need. 

  • Can I refer myself for hospice? 

Yes, while many of our referrals come from doctors, you are more than welcome to contact us directly if you think you or a loved one may benefit from hospice care. We will need to obtain information from your doctor to make sure that hospice care is right for your case, but our friendly staff will be able to help you through the process. 

  • When should I contact hospice?

When efforts shift from curative treatments to quality-of-life care, hospice can make all the difference for you or your loved one. Whether your doctor has recommended hospice or you are researching options on your own, it’s never too early to contact us. We will promptly answer all of your questions and help you find out if hospice care is right for you. 

Insurance information

  • Who pays for hospice care?

Hospice is provided as a benefit through Medicare and most private insurance companies. At your consultation, we will walk you through the entire insurance process and answer any questions you may have. 

  • Can I choose my own hospice provider?

Yes, at any time you may select or change your hospice provider. 

Hospice Team

  • Who is on my hospice team?

Depending on your needs, your hospice team may include a registered nurse, medical social worker, spiritual care coordinator, home health aids, and volunteers.

  • How often will my team visit?

Hospice care is available 24/7, and intermittent visits will take place based on your individual needs. 

  • Who is a volunteer and what do they do?

Volunteers are community members who desire to help families in hospice by offering their time and compassion. Our volunteers do things like run errands, read books to patients, and offer a warm, caring presence. Volunteers receive comprehensive training and orientation. 

Volunteers provide support for families in hospice, but they do not provide any medical care for you or your family member. All medical care is provided by professional medical staff.

If you need more information, please feel free to give us a call or send us a message. Our expert staff will be happy to answer any questions you have and will guide you through every step of the process. 

We help people with these services and more.

Alzheimer’s Diseases

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Cancer Treatment

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Heart & Lung Diseases

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or any other illness with a life expectancy of six months or less – you won’t have to face it alone.

Make a referral today

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