Hospice provides patients with peace and comfort through respectful, holistic care that focuses on individual needs. Choosing to pursue hospice care is a big decision, and we know that you want to have all of the facts before you do. While only you can make this decision, we are here to help you in any way we can. Take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of hospice care
Access to quick care
Patients in hospice have immediate access to physicians if a new medical need arises. You won’t have to wait for three hours in a crowded waiting room just to see a doctor. Nurses act as the eyes and ears of the doctor, and we can even hold conference calls with your physician to make sure that everyone is on the same page.
Respite care
We know that you want to constantly be at your loved one’s side, but there may be times when you have to step away. At Envision Hospice, we can provide respite care so that caregivers get the rest they need. Hospice care staff are available 24/7 including holidays, so you’ll never be left to figure things out all alone.
Interdisciplinary team
Hospice care provides patients with an entire team of people who work together to create a customized care plan for each person.
At Envision Hospice, we’re able to offer patients many different kinds of therapies that hospitals can’t, like aromatherapy, massage therapy, and even equipment specialists. This interdisciplinary approach is designed to provide holistic care to the patient and family.
Widespread insurance coverage
When dealing with a life-limiting illness, finances are the last thing you should have to worry about. Did you know that hospice care is covered as a benefit through Medicare and most private insurances?
While the specifics vary by provider, many of them are realizing the importance of hospice care and cover most, if not all of the costs involved. That means that your loved one will have access to our entire team of highly skilled medical professionals and volunteers without having to worry about incurring overwhelming bills.
Curative treatments off-limits
Patients who enter hospice care won’t be able to start an experimental medication or join a clinical trial. This is because hospice is focused on quality-of-life care instead of curative treatments.
If your loved one wants to pursue further curative treatments or a clinical trial, then it may not be time for hospice care. If you’re ever unsure if hospice care is right for you, our friendly staff is always available to answer any questions you may have.
A difficult perspective shift
Some view the transition from curative treatments to hospice care as a sign of giving up. While the situations surrounding the need for hospice care are very difficult, they aren’t the result of not caring enough or not trying hard enough. In fact, the decision to pursue hospice care shows the love and dedication of family members in the middle of a painful situation.
We see choosing hospice as the opposite of giving up. Hospice care allows a patient to live their best quality of life in a calm and comfortable environment, surrounded by loved ones, and focusing on what matters most to them. Hospice offers expert pain relief treatments and an entire team that works together to help bring comfort.
Patients and families who choose Envision Hospice often tell us that they wish they would have looked into hospice sooner. Many families feel a great sense of relief knowing that their loved one is able to direct their energy on living life to the fullest.
Find out if Envision Hospice is right for your loved one
Don’t let unanswered questions keep you from making the best decision for your loved one. We’ll be there to walk you through the entire process.
If you’re ready to learn more about Envision Hospice, call us today at 915-975-0755 or check out our FAQ page.